03 May
On May 5, we will be waiting for you at Pisa, at the San Rossore Park, for the “Compulsive Obsessive Disorder and Diagnostic Boundaries: From Childhood to Adulthood” Seminar.
The seminar, which will give 10 ECM credits and is organized by the University of Pisa in collaboration with the Italian Society of Psychiatry, aims to refocus the attention on a disorder that is often a challenge.
Prof.ssa Donatella Marazziti, Research Director of the BRF Onlus Foundation and Prof. Mauro Mauri, Member of the Scientific Committee of the BRF Onlus Foundation will attend the course.
The heart of the seminar will be Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (DOC), a disease of thought and behavior that is noticeably widespread (1-3% of the population), often with early onset or adolescence. It is a complex pathology characterized by a variable symptomatology that influences the cognitive, behavioral, psychosocial, scholar and work well-being of the individual from childhood to adulthood. The disorder is difficult to diagnose and some studies show that it may be necessary for an average of 14 to 17 years before people with DOC are diagnosed correctly. Many of the symptoms of Obsessive Obsessive Disorder can easily be attributed to other types of neuropsychiatric disorders, so often the choice of appropriate treatment becomes difficult. A poor treatment response is not a rare phenomenon and the available data indicates that only 40-50% of patients respond to psychotherapeutic treatment or monotherapy with symptomatic remission. Enhancement strategies range from combining drugs with both antidepressant and antipsychotic action as well as psychotherapy. Although the DOC is therefore a very common disorder and the resistance to treatment is frequen, in recent years there has been poor interest from the scientific community in this regard.
The full program is attached.
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